
All the Craziness i see...

I was chatting with a certain paloiness person today and i said alot abt why i live in a crazy neighbourhood. Wheelbarrow warrior and tree talking lady as well as the mango thief are but some of the charming characters in my world.

Speaking of crazy, i found rat shit on my desk today... how did i get rat shit on my desk when i dont see rats???
Maybe they are ninja rats... hmmm...

see evidence:
rat shit... i think... doesnt smell, maybe the taste... wait no...

also saw sumthing abnormal (well in brunei terms) on tv, a documentary on man's best friend, no not the dogs, the WMD of WMDs, the penis! yes! its the penisss!

actually I only watch 2 mins and cudnt anymore cauze it wasnt only abt penis but also abt cutting it and operating on it... too much blood... otherwise interesting watch.


yeah so much for normal life :S

Amazing cookery skills! *Smug*

Heard that Chef Wan is coming to town, hes so cool... *mind wandering* Anyway, I been working on making me own special dishes and I m glad to present to you the first edition of Cooking with Ril, and hopefully not the last *epps!*

And todays dish is "Chicken Rice ala Shahril Style" aka "Lazy man's Chikin Rice"
Continue and be amazed (or frightened)!

Chicken Rice Ingredients:
Chicken Stock. (couple of tablespoons)
Garlic (6-8 Cloves)
Ginger (generous slices)
Butter (A knob)
Rice (one Cup, if ur a glutton like me)

Southern Fried Chicken Ingredients:
Chicken (duh, 1 piece or 2 if ur a big eater)
Plain Flour (1 tablespoon)
Breadcrumbs (1 tablespoon)
Chilli Powder
Black Pepper
Egg (1)

Step 1: Prep the Bird (I)
Defrost the Chikin

Clean with a sharp knife, make sure to get the feathers, then leave aside

Step 2: Prep the Rice
Ready the pot, in my case wash it first before use

Add one cup of Rice and fill with water to the appropriate level

Step 3: Prep the Ingredients
Bring out the Stuffs: salt, butter, chikin stock, ginger and garlic

Take this much of garlic and cloves

Stomp then with ur hands... or use equivalent

Crushed and put into pot

Ginger sliced and put into pot

Knob of butter taken and put into pot

Take a couple of drops of chikin stock and throw into pot and mix well, finally add salt for seasoning, be generous

Cook the rice for 20 minutes

Step 4: Prep the Bird (II)
Take out chikin that was prepared as well as salt, pepper and chilli powder

Mix them all up nice

Take flour and breadcrumb mix out put em in a curved plate or bowl

Coat the chikin nicely, the better you do this the better it'll turn out

Step 5: Cookin time
Heat oil to high, then once at high heat, turn it down

Drop chikin gently into pot of oil and let it fry for 20 mins, turning every 2.5 mins

The result:
SHAHRIL-TASTIC!!!... Bon appetite!

Scrubs + Charlie Brown


i love scrubs as much as i love charlie brown, but this is madness!
HAHA. i m keeping this in my favs!

Charlie Brown = Dorian
Lionel = Dr. Cox


i finally have the motivation to write abt my recent trip to scotland, and boy was it a trip. I never actually thought i would be eating haggis the whole time i was there! The last time i heard abt haggies prior to my visit was that its made of a kind of mince from the parts of the sheep people wouldnt normally consume. more specifically the

1. Lungs
2. Liver
3. Heart
4. and possibly the guts, although i cant confirm this last one!


If ur not totally disgusted by now, ud be glad to know they also add various aromatic herbs and spices,... i reckon to cover the smell of the liver. does liver smell btw?

edinburgh, scotland is also famous as the birthplace of harry potter! no, he isnt real, therefore he did not come out of some woman's womb! he was however born by the pen of j. rowling, the first billionaire writer, thats right, the first billionaire writer! and she has to thank harry potter for all that...

Before fame and money got to her, she started writing "harry potter" at a place called "the elephant house".

resize elephant house
ze elephant haus


...they seem to be selling booze now. capitalising on the fame of its most famous (ex)patron perhaps. wonder what harry makes of this? lols

hermoine doesnt seem to mind tho!

The evil eye!

I watched the evil eye scene on scrubs last night and i cant help but post it up here. its just full-on hilarious!

The background music just makes it sooooooooo funny!
Me is like the evil eye, sumone evil eye me plsss!

para -para -paramoreeee!

hayley williams is uber awesome, shes a chick with styleeee
the rest, well, no comments apart from the awesome backup performances (yep)

Here they are! isnt she sweeet? (oh no... i sound like a fan boy)

Brighter- Paramore, listen!



AYAKA- my latest obsession, yes we all love pretty japanese women who can sing right? i din draw this btw, credit goes to yasuh-san

Her music video - Mikazuki

Me lub u long time.

lol, tell me this is funny.


Since i have the time, i'd thought i'd write summore stuff on my mind.

Research Papers.

The three words mean the same. To me they equate to hell compressed into "8000 words and 13 days"

The grand purpose of writing a dissertation is to actually learn sumthing useful for once in your academic life.
Sure, u learn how to do independent research, original thinking, dynamic writing, blah blah.
But does it really help?
99% of students aren't actually bothered to develop skills of the above mentioned kind. (i made the statistics up really)
The point is the majority of students may feel the same way i do.
The is no point doing a research at the undergraduate level when you don't enjoy doing it. I say leave the research in the hands of researchers, people who are PAID to do stuff like that or people who actually want to discover something new.

Otherwise all this deal with the research is a bunch of bullocks really.

nano nano as mork would say.

Blogs, whats the purpose?

Enjoying writing blogs and running a blogsite? I am, but not everyone else is.

Time and time again i have people telling me that their blog aint good enough or no one visits their blog and that they eventually lose interest in writing a blog.

So whats the problem really?

The simple answer is the writer him/herself.

Blogs aren't just for people to come and read you know? IT can be many things else.
Example, for me, i'd like to think of mine as a semi-personal chunk of cyberspace where i can record my thoughts and (to a lesser degree) emotions, not for the sake of everyone else that reads or will read it, but for my own.

The kind of person your are is determined by what kind of blog you write!
Its like the saying "you are what you eat" minus the food.
So take charge of your blog and write whatever you want and not expect ppl to visit, cause that part is totally irrelevant and self-centered.

I walked on the sunny side today.

finally all those months of neglect have been snip snip snipped awayyy.

and i m making a big deal out of it cos i havent seen myself this clean since the day, well i had my last haircut back in 07.

haircuts are nice and refreshing, compare...

...this fool...

Photobucket this stud

WELL, maybe not STUD, but still, i m quite happy for the cuts, and the student discount ;D