
All the Craziness i see...

I was chatting with a certain paloiness person today and i said alot abt why i live in a crazy neighbourhood. Wheelbarrow warrior and tree talking lady as well as the mango thief are but some of the charming characters in my world.

Speaking of crazy, i found rat shit on my desk today... how did i get rat shit on my desk when i dont see rats???
Maybe they are ninja rats... hmmm...

see evidence:
rat shit... i think... doesnt smell, maybe the taste... wait no...

also saw sumthing abnormal (well in brunei terms) on tv, a documentary on man's best friend, no not the dogs, the WMD of WMDs, the penis! yes! its the penisss!

actually I only watch 2 mins and cudnt anymore cauze it wasnt only abt penis but also abt cutting it and operating on it... too much blood... otherwise interesting watch.


yeah so much for normal life :S