Since i have the time, i'd thought i'd write summore stuff on my mind.
Research Papers.
The three words mean the same. To me they equate to hell compressed into "8000 words and 13 days"
The grand purpose of writing a dissertation is to actually learn sumthing useful for once in your academic life.
Sure, u learn how to do independent research, original thinking, dynamic writing, blah blah.
But does it really help?
99% of students aren't actually bothered to develop skills of the above mentioned kind. (i made the statistics up really)
The point is the majority of students may feel the same way i do.
The is no point doing a research at the undergraduate level when you don't enjoy doing it. I say leave the research in the hands of researchers, people who are PAID to do stuff like that or people who actually want to discover something new.
Otherwise all this deal with the research is a bunch of bullocks really.
nano nano as mork would say.
Research Papers.
The three words mean the same. To me they equate to hell compressed into "8000 words and 13 days"
The grand purpose of writing a dissertation is to actually learn sumthing useful for once in your academic life.
Sure, u learn how to do independent research, original thinking, dynamic writing, blah blah.
But does it really help?
99% of students aren't actually bothered to develop skills of the above mentioned kind. (i made the statistics up really)
The point is the majority of students may feel the same way i do.
The is no point doing a research at the undergraduate level when you don't enjoy doing it. I say leave the research in the hands of researchers, people who are PAID to do stuff like that or people who actually want to discover something new.
Otherwise all this deal with the research is a bunch of bullocks really.
nano nano as mork would say.